“The only difference between a rut and a grave- is the size of the ditch”
We all experience it - Holidays come & go and we may comment on “how time flys by”. Many of us in the United States live our lives by milestones. New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays and maybe many others. We mark the time passing and the memories that these occasions create. Each year older, hopefully wiser, as we along with our children and loved-ones grow, mature and take on new experiences and challenges. These experiences always seem to bring up the inevitable questions - Where am I going? What am I doing in my life? Where will I be in 5, 10, 15 years…? I have always done this. Set goals, achieved many of them, all the while meeting new challenges and new life experiences that may serve to change my goals and send me down a somewhat different path. I have started businesses and succeeded in them. Purchased real estate, exploited the highest and best use for these properties through deriving income by selling, renting or developing. It is no small feat to overcome the daily challenges thrown at you by life, lifestyle & business. The only way to overcome these roadblocks is through perseverance. Perseverance develops confidence and confidence in yourself develops wisdom. We can all use wisdom…